Saturday, August 30, 2008

Okazaki Hanabi

That day was so hot, maybe around 37°C.

Great crowds of people, often wearing yukata, were heading to the river of Okazaki.

We had not reserved any seat so the quest for some space on the river banks led us so far away from the epicentre of the firework.

People had reserved their space on the grass days in advance by laying down plastic sheets, stones and ropes.
It only works in Japan by the way ... do that in Belgium and you'll find people siting on your plastic sheet. You'll tell them "this is my plastic sheet, this is the space I reserved", they'll look at you amused saying "earth belong to all of us" or "your name is not written on it" ...

Back to Okazaki, I had purchased the whole set... yukata, obi belt, getta shoes, bag, fan, and was preparing in my hotel room.

It needs quite a lot of work the first time, even with someone helping you.
But the effect was great, the locals were approving my style by their satisfied look and head nodding.

We met the kimono crew and searched for a space.

Actually, my colleague and me had 2 free seats on top of the Okazaki New Grand hotel, the BEST spot to watch the fireworks.
But we were 7, so it would be difficult to sneak in before the beginning.

We first had some drinks and takoyaki (octopuss in dumplings) on the river bank, waiting for the start.

Like at the theater, they started to fire a few bangs every 15 minutes to announce the beginning.
And then it came, a giant, beautiful, colorful explosion of light!

Two hours after we had started to drink beer, we all feeled the urge to release ourselves so we headed back to the hotel through a massive pack of hundres of people standing in the streets.

It took 30 minutes to walk the path I usually do in 5 minutes...
But we made it on time, and could watch the final on the roof of the hotel !

There were around 400.000 people in the streets that day.

Friday, August 15, 2008

First Class

Thank you Lufthansa

it's the second time I'm upgraded in first class.

The first time, the plane was so full that they were calling for passengers to sell their tickets for a higher price than they had purchased.

I was on business and could not make money with my ticket.
Mr K was waiting for me in Japan so there was no way I could have been late.

At the time I entered the gate, the lady told me very simply "here you are sir, seat 1K".
I said "thank you" and moved on.
then briefly paused
analyzed what she had just said
moved back
and said "what?"
"Yes sir you have been upgraded in first class" she told me.

yatta, it was my first time !
but then all my colleagues (except one who thus became VERY pissed off) were upgraded.
It was quite a trip !

Then, this time I had my reservation in business class and I received a mail the day before asking me to check in in advance.
It's a new service from Luft which is quite handy.

I did not like so much my seat so I decided to change it online.
Arrived in Frankfurt, I stepped in the long-courrier, took seat 10, installed myself comfortably, and one of the cabin attendant started to talk to me.

She asked me if I was Italian. She's not the first to ask, but no I'm not.

She said she was Italian and started to talk with volubility, even sometime in Italian !
I asked her if it was her first time to Nagoya, how long she would stay, which hotel, what she would do... Actually I knew more about her in 5 minutes than she probably expected to know about me.

Then came a woman saying "you are sitting on my seat"
We compared our boarding passes and they were exactly same so I guess a glitch happened in the online reservation.

The lady was becoming nervous and asked the cabin attendant for my seat.

This is when the magic happened !

Thanks to this little friendly chat I had earlier with the cabin attendant, she upgraded me in first class. The lady was happy to have my seat ... and I left it without hesitation!

Later during the flight, the Italian came to my seat checking if I was satisfied, and again she started speaking Italian...

I took some photos of the lunch, but then I got tipsy enough to forget taking photos of the rest.
I can tell you the dessert was nice too!

why did I write in English?
Because today's keyboard does not have accents, and French without accent is like a choux-cream without cream.

morts de travail

Le titre est exaggere, parce que ces deux la n'etaient pas vraiment morts...
pas comme ces employes reellememt morts d'une overdose de travail chez Toyota et autres.

Je ne critique pas Toyota ou les societes japonaises en general
si quelqu'un travaille jusqu'a en mourir, je pense que "la societe" n'est pas en faute, mais plutot la ligne hierarchique qui le permet, et le travailleur lui-meme, qui l'accepte.

Je ne crois pas d'ailleurs que je verrai un jour dans le journal l'histoire d'un belge mort d'une overdose de travail...

Mais soit, cette photo illustre plutot la faune ferroviaire apres minuit.
Les hommes et les femmes qui dorment des qu'ils touchent la banquette.
L'un dormait sur l'epaule de l'autre, et l'autre etait retenu par l'accoudoir sinon il se retrouvait au sol.